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How to Choose the Right Warehousing Forklift

If you’re in the market for a warehousing forklift, take the time to think about which type will suit your business best. You’ll need to consider location, your warehouse’s size and capacity, and common applications, among other things. Learn more to determine how to choose the right warehouse forklift.

What Is Your Application?

When you’re looking to get a forklift, you should know why you need it. Knowing how you plan to use the forklift makes it simpler to choose the right one. Some common forklift applications include:

  • Indoor applications: You will likely handle several material types and load capacities. Your forklift should suit the items’ weights and how far you need to lift them.
  • Outdoor jobs: Some jobs require you to work outdoors, often on uneven ground. You will need a forklift that can run on asphalt, unpaved areas, or gravel.

You also have to consider your warehouse’s size and space. If your warehouse has little room to maneuver, you will need a much different forklift than a business with a large warehouse that has wide aisles.

Why Do You Need a Warehouse Forklift?

Once you’ve determined where you will use your forklift, decipher why you need it. Forklifts can handle several duties in warehouse applications, such as:

  • Heavy lifting.
  • Handling.
  • Stacking.
  • Loading and unloading trailers.
  • Transporting long loads.

What Are the Warehouse Forklift Types?

When you have a general idea of where and how you’ll use your forklift, you can start looking at all the different options and key features. Different types of warehouse forklifts include:

  • LP gas forklifts: If you want a forklift that runs on fuel that’s easy to get your hands on, LP gas forklifts are an acceptable choice. They often have long life spans and can be used inside or outside. However, they usually require more maintenance and are bulkier.
  • Diesel forklifts: Diesel is often a cost-effective option for warehouses, especially when working outdoors. These forklifts usually have a greater load capacity than other types. However, their emissions are high, making them unsuitable for indoor applications. They also often are at a higher price point than other forklift types.
  • Electric forklifts: Electric forklifts are another option that combines cost savings with environmental care. Electric forklifts release no fumes, making them ideal for indoor applications. They also tend to be less noisy than gas or diesel forklifts and are smaller, making them easier to maneuver in tight spaces. Electric forklifts may not be the best option for cold or high-humidity warehouse environments.

Think about whether you need cushion or tire wheels. Another thing to consider is whether you need to rent or buy a forklift. Renting one allows you to use it for seasonal demands. Purchasing a new or used forklift is a commitment, so you have to think carefully and decide which will benefit you the most.

Buy or Rent a Warehouse Forklift From Thompson Lift Truck

At Thompson Lift Truck, we understand the importance of finding the best warehousing forklift for your application. Whether you want to buy a forklift or rent one, our team is here to help. We have a full inventory of new, used, and rental forklifts. 

Please fill out our contact form if you’re in Alabama or Florida. You can also get in touch with us if you are in Georgia.

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