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Safety & Training

Protect Your Forklift Operators – Protect Your Bottom Line

Tens of thousands of forklift accidents occur each year, resulting in nearly 100,000 worker compensation disability claims for accidents involving industrial forklifts. Operator error plays a large role in the majority of those accidents. Your employees are valuable, so having an effective forklift safety training program can contribute to significantly reducing the number of accidents.  


Forklift in Warehouse
A red forklift in a lot

To schedule Forklift training, call us at 205-849-3658. You can also feel free to fill out the contact from below, and mention “Lift Truck Training” in your message. A Thompson Tractor representative will be in touch shortly to schedule training. We appreciate the opportunity to serve.

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Meeting OSHA Requirements for Worksite Safety

The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA state in the Department of Labor Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1910 (1) that: “The employer shall ensure that each power industrial truck operator is competent to operate a powered industrial truck safely, as demonstrated by the successful completion of training and evaluation.” Operators must be re-evaluated every 3 years

Safety & Training Safety & Training
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Schedule Training Today

We’ll Train Your Forklift Operating Trainers

Whatever your preference. We can do it. We recognize that there are some companies who prefer to have their own staff instructors. Therefore, all materials which make up the training program are available for purchase. If you would like assistance, “Train the Trainer” sessions, conducted by factory trained instructions, can be arranged for you.

Forklift Training Program Structure

Our Forklift training program is based around a classroom setting which focuses on seven specific areas or “modules” of forklift training:

  • Forklift fundamentals
  • Safe load-handling techniques
  • Principles of Stability; balance and capacity
  • Refueling IC trucks 
  • Pre-operation inspection 
  • Charging batteries for electric trucks, and
  • Safety guidelines for operating forklifts.

Schedule Forklift Training Sessions Today

Thompson Lift Truck can customize a plan for your company’s specific needs. Whether your workforce is made up of all new employees, all veteran operators or a combination of both, our program can be tailored to fit your needs. Training consists of classroom and practical exercises that can be customized to fit your application.

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